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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

NO THEY CHANGED THE OPENING!!!!!?!!!! Why'd it feel like Truth only stuck around for like 10 episodes or something like it felt so short.
I don't dislike the actual song itself but the visuals.. dear God the visuals. Like, what am I watching, a PowerPoint presentation? They just reused clips from the previous openings and the live action bit is so out of place.

That Akimoto guy's va!??!! Amuro Tooru is that you!!?!!?

Amuro's the culprit I'm calling it

I was right.

I was not paying attention to this episode like it just went over my head.
Anyways Sonoko was in it <3

LesK • 2 years ago

is it the night photography of the stars?

the stars we see are somewhat fixed points of light up in space. but, the Earth is rotating on its axis as well as circling the Sun. since the Earth is moving the stars seemingly move across the sky as well. in a totally dark and moonless night, like up on a mountain top with no light pollution or cloud cover, you point a FILM camera up at the sky. if you open the shutter as wide as possible and do NOT close the shutter for hours... the light from the stars seemingly 'etches' a glowing path along the film. since the Earth is a sphere and it rotates in a circle the stars' paths along the film are circular also.

i get why you didn't understand this guy's alibi. it is ENTIRELY too complex and stupidly intricate.

frankly, i've gone through Conan's explanation twice now and i don't get it. either the fansubbers screwed a bunch of sentences up or the writers made it up all wrong. the only part that makes sense is the murderer mis-directing Conan's group's attention in the wrong direction, so they don't see him pushing the dude off the tower.

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

No, it wasn't the star photography (explanation is still nice tho). But yeah the alibi trick is what got me, it's been a while since I've seen this but I don't remember getting it well at all

LesK • 2 years ago

yeah as i said, i went through Conan's reveal twice and still didn't get it. :D glad i could help you with the photography.

Krazy_Kirby • 6 months ago

the glare the guy gave him made it super obvious who the victim and killer would be, and why... especially since Conan even comments on it (4:14)

strange guy • 1 year ago

This opening feels like something you would in toonami

ニンジン • 2 years ago

Ah, finally, my long-waited B'z opening. Although the visuals could be majorly improved.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know

plutoxoxo • 6 months ago

this new opening was better than the previous one thank god but why they kept re-using old scenes from old opening themes? i wish it's just this episode...

Satilinethejay • 11 months ago

Is the new op just all the old op's mixed together? Conan is just too cute, I wonder if Shinichi is actually into astrology since he really wanted to see Mars too. But at the same time it's just cool in general to see a whole different planet with your own eyes and not just a photograph of it. Wait so is Sonoko into astrology or not? She owns an expensive telescope and knows who that one guy was, which means she was watching a show specifically about astrology but then she also doesn't care to use her own telescope and she also seems more into the guys there anyway, I don't get it. Plus all 3 of them were pretty excited to see the satelite pass by. It seems like Shinichi/Conan is actually pretty interested in the stars. Conan.. you are so obvious, you literally began speaking into the bowtie right in front of everyone.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Makes sense on how this is original but it’s okay despite Conan and friends looking at the stars

bari • 2 years ago

they always feel guilty when they are arrested -_-

Krazy_Kirby • 6 months ago

not always.
some have laughed, lots have said they deserved it.
some have basically done the Scooby Doo "I would have gotten away with it".

strange guy • 1 year ago

That’s kinda the point